Stanton Community Primary School and Nursery

Stanton Community Primary School and Nursery, Upthorpe Road, Stanton , Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 2AW

01359 250225

P.S.H.E. and R.S.E.

Personal, Social and Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education

 Important information

Please find our reviewed RSE policy for parent consultation, 6pm Thursday 30th November 2023 here: RSE Consultation letter and reviewed policy.pdf

You can comment on the policy via this survey , messaging Miss Winter via ClassDojo or at the consultation. Consultation will close on Thursday 4th January 2024  

P.S.H.E Statement of Intent

At Stanton Community Primary School, the delivery of quality PSHE and RSE enables our children to become healthy, safe, independent and responsible members of society. After much research we decided that the Jigsaw programme supported us with the foundation for the curriculum we want to provide. We aim to help pupils to understand how they are developing personally and socially, and we tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up, particularly in East Anglia. We are dedicated to ensuring that Stanton Community Primary School is a happy, stimulating and caring place and we expect high standards of behaviour and good manners throughout the school. Behaviour and attitude to learning is underpinned by values that are taught through PSHE lessons, including the use of Building Learning Powers, making it integral to the success of the whole school. Our curriculum reflects the needs of our children living within a small, rural Suffolk village including a high proportion of children that have a parent in the armed forces. We actively promote British values as well as provide the tools to protect our children from any form of radicalisation. We also recognise the influence of social media and its impact on the mental health of our young people.


Because PSHE is at the heart of our school ethos, we employ a full time Emotional Support Worker alongside the principles of Thrive being embedded in our whole school practice.


The aims of PSHE and RSE at Stanton Primary School is to encourage pupils to value themselves and others and provide opportunities which allow pupils to acknowledge and appreciate difference and diversity. We feel this is particularly important as we live in a predominately white British region where the effect of forces families can lead to a narrow outlook regarding other cultures and religions. We organise educational visits which ensure children’s experiences are wide and varied.

Under the new guidance issued by the DfE, by September 2020, Relationships Education at primary school will be compulsory. We believe that, to be effective, RSE should always be taught within a broader PSHE education programme with links to other curriculum areas such as Physical Education and Science. RSE enhances and is enhanced by learning related to topics including anti-bullying; keeping safe on and off line; keeping physically and mentally healthy, learning about drugs, alcohol and tobacco; and the development of skills and attributes such as communication skills, managing peer pressure, risk management, resilience and decision making. RSE is part of lifelong learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, human sexuality and sexual health. RSE, within PSHE, aims to give children and young people essential skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitive relationships and the skills to stay safe both on and off line. It enables pupils to explore their own and other’s attitudes and values and builds their self-esteem and confidence to view their own sexuality positively.


At Stanton Primary School, we promote the importance of safety when forming and maintaining relationships. Our curriculum helps pupils to identify the characteristics of healthy relationships, how relationships may affect mental and physical health; and how to stay safe online, particularly with social media apps such as Snapchat, TikTok and other platforms as they arise. We aim to teach pupils ways in which to understand and manage their emotions particularly around puberty and giving them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene. We want pupils to develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy as well as create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships.

Children learning P.S.H.E. and R.S.E

Recording P.S.H.E. 

P.S.H.E. and R.S.E in Early Years and Foundation  Stage


The Jigsaw Approach for Foundation Stage

The wider impact of P.S.H.E 

In Key Stage 2 we have trained representatives from each class to be Anti-bulling Ambassadors. The training was provided by The Diana Award and they provide ongoing training and support for the group.  Our ambassadors offer a peer support to those who need it. 

P.S.H.E. at Home

As well as any homework that is sent home their are lots of things that  children can do at home both online but also with their family. Look at the attached resources to help you with some ideas or speak to Mrs Harris the P.S.H.E. Lead.


The children use Calm Time during their Jigsaw lessons and after every lunch time to help refocus their minds. Press play on below to listen to an example at home.