Stanton Community Primary School and Nursery

Stanton Community Primary School and Nursery, Upthorpe Road, Stanton , Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 2AW

01359 250225


Mathematics Statement of Intent

‘We teach the children maths for life, not for a test.’

The Maths Anxiety Trust tells us that ‘Whatever you decide to do, whoever you want to be, you will need your maths skills’, this quote indicates the importance of maths in our children’s futures and is one that forms the foundations of our intent, when teaching maths at Stanton Community Primary School. We are committed to ensuring that our children are able to recognise the importance of mathematics in the wider world and that they are also able to use their mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in a range of different contexts within their lives.

In following a Teaching for Mastery approach it is our intent that all children, irrespective of gender or background, acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of Mathematics. This is something that Professor Jo Boaler explains many of our parents will not have, due to bad maths experiences in their own schooling. Additionally, such negative relationships with maths are often subconsciously passed on through reactions and comments that the children witness or hear affecting their perceptions, the incidence of this phenomena is greater from mothers to daughters. This reinforces why we want all of our children to enjoy Mathematics and that the need for them to experience success in the subject is relevant in our school.  Therefore, we are committed to developing all children’s curiosity about the subject, and developing an appreciation of the beauty and power of Mathematics which aligns well with the 2014 National Curriculum for Maths aims to ensure that all children:


  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics
  • Are able to reason mathematically
  • Can solve problems by applying their Mathematics


At Stanton Community Primary School our journey into becoming confident mathematicians begins in our Early Year’s Foundation Stage. Practitioners fully embrace this area of the EYFS and promote mathematics throughout the learning environment as early experiences have long-lasting outcomes in terms of educational achievement and life chances.  The primary aim of our early years practitioners is to nurture all children as confident, capable mathematicians for the future.  Young children, throughout the EYFS and beyond, learn through investigating, exploring, talking, problem-solving and, quite simply ‘doing’ things.



At Stanton Community Primary School, these skills are embedded within mathematics lessons and developed consistently over time. And it is with this solid understanding of mathematics in place the children will be enabled to move on to more advanced materials. It is our intent that our children ‘keep up, not catch up’, through ensuring that all children master concepts before moving to the next part of the curriculum sequence no pupil should be left behind. Key to achieving this is our whole-class interactive teaching, our children are not ability grouped, through well planned lessons, delivered by teachers who experience regular and thorough training in the teaching and learning of maths. Because we want children to have a secure understanding of mathematical concepts, teachers design lessons identifying what is to be taught, the key points, the difficult points and a carefully sequenced journey throughout the learning. We recognise that practise is a vital part of learning, and it is our intent that this is intelligent practise, that both reinforces pupils’ procedural fluency and develops their conceptual understanding. Here we recognise that significant time is needed to develop deep knowledge of the key ideas that are needed to underpin future learning. We believe that the structure and connections within the mathematics are fundamental, so that pupils develop deep learning that can be sustained. Because of the extended time spent on concepts we have decided to follow a linear approach to our curriculum from Year 2 onwards as well as revisiting key fluency skills at other times during day – we recognise that being able to recall these key facts prevents cognitive overload on the working memory. As well as this consolidation within school, we believe that the school-parent partnership is fundamental to progress and therefore we send home homework in KS2 and host weekly open lessons (Covid depending) for parents and guardians to learn with their children in KS1.


As White Rose Maths tell us ‘Everyone can do maths: Everyone Can!’, and ultimately that is our intention here at Stanton Community Primary School.

Children 'learning' Mathematics 

Children Recording Mathematics

Mathematics at Home

As well as any homework that is sent home their are lots of things that  children can do at home both online but also with their family. Look at the attached resources to help you with some ideas.

Maths At Home

TT Rockstars

Fun ideas for EYFS, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

Homework Help! (American but great explanatory videos from EYFS up to Year 6)