Stanton Community Primary School and Nursery

Stanton Community Primary School and Nursery, Upthorpe Road, Stanton , Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 2AW

01359 250225



Art Statement of Intent

At Stanton Community Primary School, it is our intent to develop in all children a sense of who they are.  Michael Rosen spoke about the importance of The Arts in the curriculum, saying that it is through them that we find our place in the world, discover who we are and find a sense of belonging and togetherness (BETT, 2020).

Art in our school does this by encouraging self- expression and creativity- which The Tate Modern tells us can build confidence as well as a sense of individual identity. They go on to say how studying art also helps to develop critical thinking and like Rosen said; the ability to interpret the world around us.

There is a strong need for our children to understand culture and the arts around the world and historically. Our school demographic does not reflect a wide range of ethnic or cultural backgrounds so it is of vital importance that our children experience the culture that surrounds the arts and that diversity is built into our Art curriculum. The Tate Modern indicates that studying the arts can help with understanding, interpretation and negotiating the complexities and diversities of society, an area our children need exposure to at school as they will not find it in Stanton, or very obviously in Suffolk. It is our intent that the children experience growth in awareness and empathy and an appreciation of difference, diversity and individual opinion, through varied stimuli in their Art lessons. This in turn develops personal responsibility within school and the wider community, especially when teamed with British Values.

Many teachers, parents and guardians express concern that overusing technology can stunt development of interpersonal relationships and social skills. Teaching art at Stanton is a physical, social and emotional experience. Art lends itself to physical development and the enhancement of fine and gross motor skills. All manipulative movements involved in art help develop hand and finger muscles that are needed to properly hold and use a pencil- a transferrable skill across all subjects. The OCR exam board tells us that the arts make self-starters and develops emotional intelligence, all Arts require the student to set their own agenda from within themselves, rather than follow set rules. They have to make independent decisions all the way, and be self-critical. They also need to be brave in exposing their creations, and accept criticism. The arts develop the broader dimensions of the human being – mind, body and soul. The arts can express the inexpressible and make sense of things that otherwise do not seem to.

With nearly 40% of our children identified as in need of support with SEN or emotional wellbeing at our school we cannot overlook how Art and Design can be an outlet for children to release the pressures of their everyday life. Art is proven to contribute towards wellbeing, improving health and happiness, something that is vital for all children, not just those studying with us. In working towards this aim we ensure that the children are free to express their thoughts and ideas creatively and work in a way they choose, after the explicit teaching of skills; 'Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.' – Pablo Picasso.

Art reflects what a child knows about the world and enables the child to choose how to translate those ideas and experiences. Children learn about themselves and others through art activities. It helps them build self-esteem. It’s an opportunity for children to make a personal statement about their uniqueness through art while allowing them to express happiness, joy, and pride, and that is we want for our children at Stanton Community Primary School. Therefore we provide the opportunities. 

Our Art opportunities are grounded in a structured approach based on developing skills and rich in vocabulary that enable the children to find their own style. It has been developed by CUSP and offers our children a chance to explore a wide range of artists, mediums and responses to stimuli as they progress through the school. 

Children Learning Art

Art in Early Years and Foundation Stage  

 Art in EYFS.pdf

Useful Documents

For more information on the school's teaching and learning in Art please do not hesitate to get in contact with Mrs Harris, the Art lead, or click on the links below for some informative documents.



SMSC In Art 



Art at Home

As well as any homework that is sent home their are lots of things that  children can do at home both online but also with their family. Look at the attached resources to help you with some ideas.