Stanton Community Primary School and Nursery

Stanton Community Primary School and Nursery, Upthorpe Road, Stanton , Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 2AW

01359 250225

Social & Emotional Wellbeing

“Growing up today seems to be harder than ever. Children and young people face a host of novel stressors that I cannot even purport

to understand.  In a confusing, addictive, 24-hour online world, young people need new tools and more support.”

Alexia Adrianopoulos Philanthropist supporter of Wise Up

At Stanton Community Primary School we are very aware that being a child today is very different to when we were growing up. Therefore the mental health and emotional wellbeing of our children is hugely important as it has an enormous impact on their learning and development not only now but also as they journey into adulthood.

Our children deserve an excellent education that prepares them academically and emotionally for the challenges they will face inside the classroom, and for the world ahead of them. There is clear evidence that emotional wellbeing is a key indicator of academic achievement, and subsequently improved outcomes in later life. The Department for Education has found that, on average, children with higher levels of emotional, behavioural, social and school wellbeing, had higher levels of academic achievement and were more engaged in school.

This is why we are developing strategies to enhance the importance of mental and emotional well-being to work on preventative strategies and to support children when they need more intervention. This is being approached three ways.


  1.    A Comprehensive Approach

What we do: This is a whole school approach that results in creating an ethos and conditions that support positive behaviours for learning and for successful relationships. We provide a safe and consistent environment that puts the needs of the children are at the heart of everything we do. We have developed a culture of mutual respect between all children, children and adults, staff and parents and carers. Underpinning this is our shared belief in the importance of our four principles: nurture, enjoy, aspire and achieve.

What we do: We provide an emotionally secure and safe environment that strongly discourages any form of bullying or violence. A whole school behaviour policy rewards children who make the correct behaviour choices and those who learn from poor behaviour choices

What we do: We employ our own Behaviour Support Learning Mentor who supports all pupils and where appropriate, their parents or carers and provides specific help for those children most at risk (or showing signs) of social, emotional and behavioural problems. We ensure she accesses up to date training and the management team have an overview to ensure there is impact. We also work closely with CAMHS and other agencies such as Health Visitors, Family Support Practitioners and the School Nursing Team, County Inclusive Support Service.

2.   Universal Approach  

What we do: We provide a curriculum that integrates the development of social and emotional skills within all subject areas including problem-solving, coping, conflict management and understanding and managing feelings. Building Learning Powers are used to support the development of learning skills to cultivate the habits and attitudes of curious, confident and independent learners. We work hard to ensure we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum for all our children where basic skills are reinforced across all subject areas. PE has a high priority in our school and all children have access to a wide range of sports and other after school clubs.

What we do: We view our children’s learning as a journey with a focus on individual progress and being the best they can be without an obsession with the end goal e.g. SATs.

What we do: Integrated activities and our PSHE curriculum support the development of social and emotional skills and wellbeing and help to prevent bullying and violence in all areas of school life. Classroom-based teaching is reinforced whole school during assemblies, and play times.


3.   Targeted Support     

What we do: For those children who show early signs of emotional and social difficulties e.g. anxiety, emotional distress, low self-esteem, behaviour problems, we provide a range of interventions according to the children’s needs.